Hilda wearing teal shirt, standing arms crossed in front of painting.

A Message from Our Founder

My name is Hilda M. Jordan, and I believe justice is what love looks like in public.

I believe justice can be realized through sustainable community reinvestment and collaborative equitable design. I launched HMJ Consulting to provide the educational resources and system design services that are missing to protect, sustain, and empower the most racially, economically, and socially vulnerable members of our communities and organizations. My hope is to build community and understanding through our services so that we can all thrive, be valued by the content of our character, and find a bit more ease and security through the process. I am honored that you have considered HMJ Consulting to advance your organization's social equity needs.

Through HMJ Consulting collaborations, I seek to build systems that empower communities and lower the personal and generational opportunity costs to achieving success. Being raised by an immigrant single mother in Upstate New York brought me face-to-face with the barriers, inequities, and resilient hope that characterize survival in economically vulnerable diverse communities. Advocating for our family’s dignity and access to resources, alongside the community advocates, volunteers, and free programs that raised me, shaped my vision for equity as an empowering process that should provide its participants with agency, access, and opportunities to grow. Success requires sacrifice, but it should never require our self-respect, cultures, or values.

What We Do:

  1. Make the implicit explicit.

  2. Center the community and team members that are structurally, racially, economically, and professionally vulnerable.

  3. Develop and share institutional knowledge.

  4. Transform and build more accessible equitable cultures.



We work with you to identify organizational strengths, gaps, and needs to advancing anti-racist social equity.


We meet in small groups throughout our engagement to discuss challenges, workshop ideas, and apply critical skills.


We support your resource development and leadership growth to sustain and measure your growth.


We recognize justice requires long-term systems work and we recommend interventions for short-term and longer-term implementation.

Contact us to schedule an initial consultation!